Er is één of andere aanvraag ingediend door het park aan de gemeente met meer details. Het word wel degelijk een duelerende achtbaan, echter spreken ze nu over een lengte van 972 meter, beide achtbanen tezamen... teleurstellend kort!

the proposed development consists of the construction of a new rollercoaster attraction incorporating 2 separate rollercoaster rides with a combined ride length of approximately 972m and a maximum height of 31 m Above Ground Level; rollercoaster station structures; ancillary buildings including a toilet block (80 sqm Gross Floor Area (GFA)), a photo shop (8 sqm GFA), a ground shop (30 sqm GFA), 2 no. concession stands (12.8 sqm GFA each) and an ESB substation (14 sqm GFA); 2 no. pedestrian bridges over the Hurley River; internal paths and roadways connecting to existing Tayto Park infrastructure; drainage infrastruture; landscaping; and, all associated and ancillary plant and development works on a site area of 4.53 ha.This application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR)